I hate to say this, but I slowly developed some allergies over the summer. I became itchier and itchier until I eventually chewed some areas on my sides and abdomen and scratched at some red bumps on my back until I had two small bare spots where the hair was missing.
It’s no wonder that I do anything that I can to mooch a backscratch from Wen, because it feels so good on those itchy spots!
To help me out, Wen bought some soothing topical spray to put on my itchiest areas and also started giving me Benadryl caplets and both seem to helping a lot. I guess that I’m lucky, because my allergies are relatively mild and easily controlled, but neither Sunny or Molly ever seem to scratch, so maybe I’m not so lucky after all. I’m hoping that since it’s almost fall and it will be getting cooler that my allergies are a seasonal thing and that they will soon be gone. Bye bye, good riddance, and please don’t come back!!!