Sadie went to see Dr. Nina for a recheck yesterday. Wen had taken the last bandage off Sadie’s ear that had the hematoma and she also removed the cone four days ago, due to Sadie shaking her head incessantly. It was obvious that poor Sadie had had it with the bandage and the cone at that point. She was over it! Three ear hematomas and three stints of being bandaged and wearing a cone was three times too many.
Wen decided to play the odds that Sadie would quit shaking her head if she wasn’t wearing the irritating bandage and cone and it worked! Her ear looked good and she rarely shook her head from then on, so when Dr. Nina checked the ear, she put some medication in it, and declared Sadie good to go. That was really fortunate, because it seems that Sadie has had enough of the healing process of ear hematoma #3!

Sadie: Enough already!