My Day at the Vet

Early yesterday morning, Wen dropped me off at Dr. Nina’s office for an ultrasound of my gall bladder.  After I suddenly got very sick one night last August and ended up at the ER for two nights, I’ve now had two recheck ultrasounds to check on the mucus in my gall bladder.

Dr. Nina and her vet tech, Bonnie took really good care of me and confidentially, they really spoiled me with lots of treats.   Later,  when Wen came to pick me up, they gave me more treats, so spending the entire day at the vet wasn’t bad at all.  Plus, I was a good boy and I made new friends.  Even better, since it was a recheck ultrasound, Dr. Nina convinced the ultrasound doctor to not shave off the hair on my sides like they did last December.  My poor hair has been slowly growing back from being shaved for the other ultrasounds and I’m just barely beginning to look like myself again.

Fortunately, the mucus has not increased since my last ultrasound in December, so it was good news and Wen (who was really worried) was super relieved that I don’t need surgery.

All in all, my day at the vet went well and I got to go for two car rides there and back, so it was a good day for me.  Sitting in a big cage in the prep room, watching all the activity of the people working with the dogs and cats was actually pretty entertaining, but it’s sure nice to be back home again with my sisters!



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