What’s Going On?

Right now, we’re a little concerned about my sister, Sadie and we’re not sure what’s going on.  Lately it seems as if her hearing isn’t what it used to be and at first, Wen thought that Sadie might have gone deaf from the medications used for the yeast infections in her ears, as there have been reports of this happening.

When Wen calls Sadie’s name (even loudly), she doesn’t react, which could just be a Scottie tendency of selective hearing, but more and more it seems as if Sadie can’t hear.

Wen did finally get a reaction from Sadie by clapping her hands loudly behind her while sneaking up on her.  Sadie quickly jumped up, so she definitely heard that to be so startled.  Aside from the clapping though, Sadie’s hearing seems to be affected.

Wen is trying to use a really high voice to call Sadie to see if she can hear high-pitched sounds better.  Just this morning, Sadie was lying next to her and she reacted when Wen called her name, so maybe her hearing loss is transitory, since that happened once before about a year ago after her ears were medicated.  We can only hope so!  Sadie has been through so much with her chronic ear infections and her three ear hematomas that caused her to have a permanently floppy ear.  She really deserves to be able to hear normally after all that!

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