The Honorary MacDuff

Scotties were evidently meant to become the breed of choice for this family, but Wen’s best friend at the time convinced her to get a “contrast” dog for Casey’s new companion.

A suitable breeder was found and the prettiest female of the litter was chosen, only she wasn’t a Scottie—she was a buff Cocker Spaniel!

Wen chose the most obvious name possible, “Buffy,” and she turned out to be the perfect dog:  sweet, loving, beautiful, and ridiculously obedient for her entire life of fourteen years.   (Just like a Scottie—NOT!)

Buffy earned the title “honorary MacDuff” because she lived solely with Scotties and it seemed as though she actually thought that she was one.  Her most remarkable claim to fame (other than her obvious good looks) was breaking up Scottie snark fests.  She would jump right in the middle of the fray, put her front paw on someone, and the Scotties would immediately stop their sparring and walk away.

Buffy, with all of her sweet and wonderful qualities, was the Scottie police!

Buffy, the honorary MacDuff

Buffy, the honorary MacDuff

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