The ideal companion for Corky would be a puppy with an easy-going personality who would not constantly challenge her and thanks to a Missouri breeder, Wen struck gold! He was cute, he was sweet, he was a little gentleman and Wen named him “Kirby.”
Apparently, he was a good choice because Corky immediately accepted his presence and the two of them quickly became best buddies for life.
Kirby was one of those rare dogs who almost seem human and it’s no wonder that he became Wen’s all-time favorite. Not only was he Corky’s best friend as she battled bladder cancer for two and a half years, but he was Wen’s loyal best buddy through some difficult times.
Years later, after Corky was gone, Wen wanted to find a companion for Kirby, but it seemed as though there weren’t any female wheaten Scottie puppies available anywhere. It took many months of searching, but finally, Wen had a lucky break…..