Round and Round

Molly discovered her tail the other night and she spent a few moments growling and chasing it as she went around and around in a circle.

Although it was free entertainment for the rest of us, if she does it again she could hurt herself by chomping down on it, so she needs to find a new hobby!

She has no health issues, so hopefully her behavior was just a fluke due to boredom or a ploy for attention.

Since Molly is a little dynamo compared to Sunny and me, Wen thinks that she chased her tail as an part of one of her bursts of pent up energy.  We have been hanging out in the house a lot of the time lately because of all of the rain we’ve been having, so it seems as though it’s time for Scotties to get more exercise!

Molly Dynamo

Molly Dynamo

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