Kirby’s Calendar Cover

When the Rocky Mountain Scottish Terrier Club published a yearly calendar featuring photos of Scotties that the club members submitted, Wen of course, sent in lots of photos for consideration every year.  After all, she had an excellent photographer’s model, her very favorite, Kirby and his sister, Sunny who is still an outstanding poser.

For several years, Wen had been lucky to have had several of her photos selected for the calendar, mainly because she could dress up Kirby and Sunny in outrageous outfits and get some cute pictures.

The ultimate honor came in 2013 when Wen received a notification that one of her photos had been selected for the calendar cover.

The photo was one that she had taken during a quick lunchtime photo shoot with Kirby. The object of that day’s photo shoot was to get a nice picture of Kirby sitting at the baby grand piano.  Wen had ordered a doggie tux for him and waited until he had been groomed to try to take pictures.  One day during her lunch hour at work, she rushed home, dressed Kirby in his tux, and took pictures from many different angles.

Since he was such a cooperative model, Wen had many photos to choose from, but two stood out as the ones to submit.

It was a proud moment in the MacDuff clan history when a Wen received the news that one of her photos had been selected, only to be surpassed by the day that the calendar finally arrived in the mail and there was Kirby’s picture on the cover!

At this very moment, the calendar cover is framed and hanging on a wall in our house as a tribute to Kirby and in remembrance of the day when he sat at the piano in his tux, looking very handsome and modeling like a pro.


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