Yesterday, Wen was sitting on the couch with me and she reached over and unzipped one of the couch pillows to check on the down insert. Evidently, I had never heard the sound of a zipper because I jumped straight up in the air! It was such an unusual noise that I had to go and investigate. Of course, she then had to zip and unzip the pillow to see how I would react and my nose was right there—I was fascinated!
You just never know how we Scotties will react to a noise. Will we be intrigued, scared of it, or will we totally ignore it? Sunny and I will probably investigate, while Molly will typically run in the opposite direction, but that’s not always the case.
One day, Wen made a funny noise like an old time AHOOGA horn through a cardboard tube from a roll of paper towels and there was total chaos as we all three jumped up and ran away. Ha ha, very funny………