At our house, dogs are not allowed on the beds. The days of Scotties sleeping on the beds are decades over and for many years, each of us has had our own giant crate or wire cage that serves as our own little house, so there is absolutely no reason for any of us to ever be found up on a bed.
That’s not to say that very rarely, one of us who is feeling particularly agile doesn’t jump up on a bed after having a total lapse in judgment though, even though we know better. It’s only a matter of time until Wen catches us up where it’s off limits and she quickly scoots us off the bed.
I suppose since we Scotties are welcome to hang out on the living room couch and loveseat and we are lounging there constantly, it is okay that the beds are a no Scottie zone. That doesn’t mean that we tenacious terriers won’t push the boundaries every once in awhile though!