Even though Corky was older and she had suffered with bladder cancer for over two years, she still enjoyed going for car rides and Wen took her as often as possible.
One fall day, the weather was particularly nice in Denver. The sun was shining, the leaves were turning, and it seemed like a perfect day to go for a hike and Wen had a particular trail in mind.
Since it was such a gorgeous day, she decided to take Corky along so she put her in the car and off they went.
When they arrived at the trailhead, Wen realized that Corky did not have the strength to walk very far down the trail so she picked her up and carried her as she hiked.
The leaves were beautiful, the sky was a brilliant blue, and there was a slight breeze, so it was an ideal afternoon for a hike. When they got to a fork in the trail, Wen set Corky down and watched as she wandered around through the leaves and then sat down to enjoy the sunshine. After a while, Wen picked her up, carried her back down the trail, and they headed home.
It had been a bit of a challenge to carry Corky for the entire hike, but it had certainly been worth it to see her enjoy the pretty fall day when she was failing from cancer.
Ever since, each time that Wen revisits the trail, she remembers that day when she and Corky enjoyed their afternoon on the trail and it’s a bittersweet memory, because in a few weeks after their special hike, Corky was gone.