Dogs like to hang their heads out of car windows, but is it really a good idea?
Back in the day when Wen and her husband just had one Scottie, Casey, the three of them were on a vacation road trip from Dallas to Kansas City. It was about noon when they arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and they found themselves in the middle of heavy lunchtime traffic.
Wen’s husband was driving and she and Casey were sitting on the passenger side with Casey on her lap with his nose out the window. When they stopped at a red light at a busy intersection, Casey jumped right out the window and ran like the wind! Of course, Wen jumped out of the car and followed him through the stopped traffic and across a busy shopping mall parking lot with moving cars everywhere.
Casey had a good lead and Wen was yelling at him to stop, but to no avail. He continued to dodge cars in the parking lot with Wen hysterically yelling and flailing after him. She was about at her wit’s end when she had a revelation and yelled, “Casey, SIT” as forcefully as she could and miraculously, he sat!
It must have been their lucky day, because Casey somehow obeyed a simple command which allowed Wen to catch up with him, scoop him up, and get out of the way of the parking lot traffic. She was happy to see that her husband had circled around in their car and was suddenly there to pick them up.
Wen was distraught but very relieved and Casey’s tail was happily wagging from his adventure. If they had been cats, they would have lost a few of their nine lives that day, but fortunately, everyone was fine, back in the car, and they continued on their road trip with one difference: all of the car windows were closed!