Aced Out

Our Scottie print dog bed won’t appear by the fireplace until it gets really cold outside.  In the meantime, a Scottie print crate pad is by the fireplace and it is Sadie’s and my favorite spot to hangout to enjoy the warmth from the fireplace.  There is only one problem–it is not as large as our dog bed and only one of us fits comfortably on the pad, unless Sadie and I squeeze on there together.  Basically, that means as soon as Wen turns on the fireplace, it’s a personal victory to stake a claim on that crate pad.

This morning, Sadie aced me out and got there first and if that wasn’t bad enough, she was glued to that crate pad for what seemed like forever and all I could do was sit on the floor next it.  Aced out by my little sister!


I got the crate pad, I got the crate pad!!

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