Big Peep

Well, Easter has come and gone for another year and that means that all our holiday decorations were put away.  Wen gathered the bunnies and the Peeps decorations and put them in the closet, but she left one decoration for the very last and that was the giant inflatable Peeps bunny.

As far as Peeps go, they are our favorite Easter decorations and this was the largest one that we had ever seen, so it was kind of sad to see it deflated and stored away.  Bye, bye, big Peep!   See ya next year!


More Snow

Colorado’s snowiest months are March and April and that fact was proved once again yesterday.  Just when it was nice and warm and the sun had melted all the snow from the last snowstorm, we got dumped on again.

You can’t let those 60 degrees days fool you this time of year.   People are walking around wearing shorts one day and the next day, they have down jackets on, thanks to more snow.  The calendar might say “spring,” but the backyard says “winter” right now!

More Snow

Monkey See, Monkey Do

“Monkey See, Monkey Do” is a really old saying that means learning something without understanding why or being concerned about the consequences.

Ir seems that we have a good example of Monkey See, Monkey Do at our house right now, as Sadie has recently been found pulling up grass in our backyard and eating it along with dirt.  What are the consequences of that behavior (which totally models what Molly and I have been doing for several years)?  Sadie has begun to vomit up grass and dirt in the middle of the night, just like Molly and I have done repeatedly after our backyard foraging and now Wen has to go outside with us and police all three of us.

Yep, Monkey See, Monkey Do!

Uh-oh, Sadie. You got busted!

A Rough Start

My gorgeous sister, Molly who cranks along with nothing ever going wrong had a rough start to today.  After we Scotties ate our breakfast, Molly proceeded to vomit up her undigested food along with a bunch of dirt from the backyard.  She didn’t vomit just once.  Oh, no, she vomited SEVEN times until there was nothing left in her stomach to come back up.

Wen checked Molly’s color and it was just fine.  She took Molly’s temperature and it was normal and then after her vomiting stint, Molly ran around like a normal dog.  Several hours later, you’d never know that she had been so sick.

i guess you can blame the vomiting on the fact that we Scotties are terriers.  We earth dogs love to dig holes and we can’t resist snacking on the dirt that we displace.  Maybe we should try to cut back on the amount of dirt we eat.  Yeah, like that’s going to happen!


Quality Time

Whenever Wen watches TV, especially early in the morning, I like to make my presence known.  Yep, I jump up on the couch and sit on her lap or scooch up right next to her so that she knows for sure that her best buddy is right there.  My nose knows that it has to be right in the middle of things and so when she watches TV, I like to watch her watching TV.  I never pass up an opportunity for quality time!

Backyard Wonderland

Normally when we get a snowstorm, the sun kicks in afterwards and the snow is gone in a couple of days.  Not this time!  We had so much snow and huge drifts that the snow was higher than our deck in our backyard and Wen eventually had to plow us Scotties a path down the steps and across the yard.

Now, three days after the storm ended, we still have a backyard wonderland of snow and we Scotties are still using the path Wen plowed so we could get off the deck and around the yard.  Never before has she been forced to shovel snow for four days straight.  What an unusual experience this storm has been for all of us!
