Job Well Done!

Here is a photo of Jim Miller with his Scottie, Jackie, myself, and Polly Mayo with her Scottie, Bruce at Tartan Days in Longmont, Colorado.

Jackie is a very friendly and sociable Scottie girl and she was eager to have people come up and pet her.  What a great ambassador she was for our breed.

This was Bruce’s first time as a Scottie ambassador, as he is just turning two years old and he did an amazing job of meeting people as they petted him.

What can I say about myself?  I’m used to meeting people and I am so laid back and chill that having strangers come up and pet me is no big deal.

We all received lots of compliments, which were well-deserved, since we were on our best behavior at the festival and I think we, along with the other Scotties who were there with their Scottie club owners, represented ourselves well in educating people about Scottish Terriers and informing them about Scottie rescue.  Job well done!


Tartan Days 2024

This weekend is the annual Tartan Days festival in Longmont, Colorado.  Rocky Mountain Scottie Rescue has a booth at the festival and Scottie club members and their Scotties are working in the booth to meet and greet people and give them information about the breed.

We Scottie ambassadors sit on tables as people come by and pet us while our owners tell them about rescue and Scotties in general.  Wen chose to take me, as I am friendly and very tolerant of strangers and we went with Wen’s friend, Polly and her Scottie, Bruce, who was a Scottie ambassador for the first time and he did very well.  We were pleased to represent our breed to the steady stream of people passing by.

The festival runs through today at the Boulder County Fairgrounds and there are more Scottie club members with their Scotties who are there to say hello and happy to tell you all about Scottish Terriers.

Pickleball Obsessed

We have a favorite sport at our house and it’s a mixture of tennis, ping pong, and badminton.  Yes, it’s pickleball.  Ever since Wen took an introductory class, followed by pickleball boot camp and other classes several years ago, she’s been playing at least once a week.  She frequently hits a ball against a wall at home to practice while we Scotties sit and watch and sometimes we even get to chase an errant ball across the floor.

Evidently pickleball has become really popular during the last few years and people who play have a lot of fun and become pickleball obsessed.  I wouldn’t say that Wen is exactly obsessed, but maybe pretty close!


We Scotties like to use our voices whenever we feel the urge and not only do we have loud barks, but we have another way of expressing ourselves:  we like to howl.

When we howl, we throw our heads back and we make a very distinctive “arroooo” sound.  Yes, we can certainly arroooo with great vigor and lots of times if one of us Scotties starts to howl, the other two will join in and we will have an arroooo chorus.

Are we singing or talking or simply howling?  Who knows, but once you hear a Scottie arrooooing, you’ll never forget it!


Solar Eclipse Day

Unfortunately, we’re not in the path of totality, but we do get to view a partial solar eclipse here in Colorado today.  Of course, no people or pets should ever be looking straight at the sun, so protection like these eclipse glasses should be worn if you’re interested in looking up at the eclipse.  To be extra careful, pets can be kept inside.  (You never know when we might be tempted to look up at the sun).

Happy viewing!

Hydrant Inspector

Anyone know of a fire hydrant that needs inspecting?  I know someone who is eager to put his nose to work inspecting hydrants and actually, it’s me!  We male dogs in particular can’t pass a hydrant without inspecting it and now I have an official hydrant inspector outfit to show that my nose is on the job.

Bring on the hydrants!

Be Prepared

Here it is, April already and typically in Colorado, some days are warm and springlike and some days it’s cold and  snowing.  Just two days ago, we woke up to frozen rain that had created an icy layer on our deck and on the grass.  The day prior it had been in the 60’s, so it was an April fool’s prank for us to be sliding around in our backyard.  I suppose this time of year the best plan is to be prepared for anything, because although the calendar says it’s spring,  you can’t assume it will be nice and warm.



Big Peep

Well, Easter has come and gone for another year and that means that all our holiday decorations were put away.  Wen gathered the bunnies and the Peeps decorations and put them in the closet, but she left one decoration for the very last and that was the giant inflatable Peeps bunny.

As far as Peeps go, they are our favorite Easter decorations and this was the largest one that we had ever seen, so it was kind of sad to see it deflated and stored away.  Bye, bye, big Peep!   See ya next year!