A Festive Costume

It’s March again and what holiday is coming up?  That’s right!  St. Patrick’s Day and  it’s only a week from today, so it’s time to start thinking about a festive costume.  Maybe I should borrow this one from the concrete Scottie statue that was decorated with it on our front porch….  I know I’m a Scottish Terrier, but who doesn’t enjoy the wearing of the green?!

Over It!

Sadie went to see Dr. Nina for a recheck yesterday.  Wen had taken the last bandage off Sadie’s ear that had the hematoma and she also removed the cone four days ago, due to Sadie shaking her head incessantly.  It was obvious that poor Sadie had had it with the bandage and the cone at that point.  She was over it!  Three ear hematomas and three stints of being bandaged and wearing a cone was three times too many.

Wen decided to play the odds that Sadie would quit shaking her head if she wasn’t wearing the irritating bandage and cone and it worked!  Her ear looked good and she rarely shook her head from then on, so when Dr. Nina checked the ear, she put some medication in it, and declared Sadie good to go.  That was really fortunate, because it seems that Sadie has had enough of the healing process of ear hematoma #3!

Sadie:  Enough already!


A Rare Occurrence

This doesn’t happen very often.  Seeing Molly and Sadie hanging out together is a rare occurrence.  Sadie normally hangs out with me and Molly usually does her own thing, but every once in awhile, Sadie will jump up on the love seat next to Molly, but it will only last for a few minutes at best.  How rare is this sight?  VERY rare!

Sadie, what are you doing up here?


I can’t believe that she’s up here.


If you stay up here much longer, I will slurp on you!

One Hematoma Too Many

Poor Sadie.  She has suffered through three ear hematomas in her left ear, due to her excessive head shaking when she had itchy ear infections.  Each time, Dr. Nina had to make an incision in Sadie’s ear to relieve the pressure from the blood that had built up inside the ear and inject her ear with a steroid.  Sadie had her ear bandaged to her head each time and she had to wear a cone for weeks to prevent her from shaking her head and scratching at her ear.

This time was one hematoma too many, because the cartilage in Sadie’s ear has been so damaged that the ear won’t stand up any more and now she has one normal prick ear and one floppy ear.  Her traditional Scottie looks are gone forever, so it’s a good thing that Wen had a nice portrait of Sadie taken at Red Rocks last summer so that we have a really nice picture of her before the ear hematomas broke down the cartilage in her left ear.

It’s kind of sad that Sadie will never look the same, but she is so happy to not be wearing a bandage and the cone that she doesn’t seem to care if one of her ears doesn’t stand anymore.


What a Surprise!

For once, the Denver weather forecasters were actually accurate when they said that we’d get a dusting of snow overnight.  What a surprise!  Normally they underestimate our snow totals, so waking up this morning to a dusting of snow and then the sun coming out was a pleasant surprise, because we Scotties are ready for spring!

A real dusting of snow

Making Progress

Sadie saw Dr. Nina for a recheck yesterday to see how her ear hematoma was doing.  Wen was concerned that Sadie was shaking her head incessantly and that her ear could refill with blood, so Dr. Nina removed most of the Elastikon tape that was wrapped around her head that seemed to be bothering her.  Sadie still has tape on her ear and she’s still wearing the cone, but at least she’s not so restricted anymore, so hopefully she’s making progress.  If this doesn’t work, she may have to have surgery, so cross your fingers!


Snow Squall

Just when we were getting used to nice weather in the 50’s and 60’s, a snow squall blew through yesterday.  It only lasted a few hours, but it looked like a blizzard and it dumped several inches of snow on us.

That’s pretty typical of Colorado this time of year.  One day people are out and about wearing shorts as we Scotties are out in the yard enjoying the sunshine and the next day, we’re all dealing with a snowstorm.

Scottie Planter

What happens when Wen does random searching online?  She inevitably finds Scottie stuff!  Our latest acquisition is a Scottie planter from Petforhouse that came in both black and white and in three different sizes.  After looking at tons of dog breed planters, cat planters, and other animals, she decided that we needed the large Scottie planter in white.

The planter arrived as a kit that needed to be assembled, but it was easy to build and in a few minutes, the planter was ready to go.  It can be used outdoors, but Wen wants to use it as a decoration inside.  Festive, huh?

Not Again!

Oh, no, not again!  Unfortunately, Wen discovered that Sadie had another ear hematoma the other day.  This time she wasn’t shaking her head or scratching at her ear like she had the two previous times, so there was no obvious warning.

Sadie had looked perfectly normal early that morning, but several hours later, Wen caught her slinking across the living room floor with her tail tucked, as if she had done something wrong and when she picked up Sadie, Sadie let out a scream.  Not only did she feel as if she had a fever, but her left ear had filled up with blood, so off to the vet they went.

Dr. Nina repaired Sadie’s ear hematoma and she was back home in three hours with her head wrapped and wearing a cone.  Hopefully her ear will heal without any issues and this will be the last hematoma she gets, but it will take many weeks to heal.  It’s too bad that Sadie is susceptible to those darn allergies that are responsible for itchy ear infections that make dogs shake their heads.  It’s even worse that this is the third ear hematoma that she’s had!  Poor Sadie!