Snowy Morning

We Scotties woke up to a snowy morning today, so we were eager to go outside and explore.  As per usual this time of the year in Colorado, it was warm yesterday and a winter wonderland today, so we are used to drastic weather changes and no matter what, we are out enjoying our backyard.

Molly, Sadie, and I are fortunate to have our house and yard, because some of our predecessor Scotties were apartment dwellers and Wen had to walk them outside on a leash at all times.

So today we get to play in the snow again and come back in and snooze by the fire.  Sounds perfect to me!


A Dusting of Snow

Late last night when we Scotties went outside, we were surprised to see that it had snowed.  It was just a dusting of snow, but our deck was covered with the white stuff and we were excited to go check out the yard.

If you think a little snow prevents Molly and me from digging holes, think again!  Even with Wen following us around the yard, we were able to sneak in a couple new holes, because with the warm weather we’ve been having, the ground was not frozen.  A dusting of snow just makes digging more fun and early this morning when we were out in the yard, there was a little more snow than last night and we were having such a good time out there that Wen had to lure us back inside with treats.




My Fave

The other day, Wen came home with one of my favorite toys, a plush wine bottle with a plastic bottle and a squeaker inside.  It seems that she is always on the lookout for one of these toys, because she knows that they are my fave.  Yes, I do love me a plush crunchy squeaky bottle!

Every time I get one, I walk around carrying the bottle in my mouth so Sadie can’t steal it.  I even go outside with the toy firmly in my jaws to make sure no one else grabs it.  I may look funny carrying the toy around, but you can’t be too careful!  That toy is mine until I have chewed on it so much that there are holes in the plush cover, the plastic bottle has gone flat, and the squeaker doesn’t work anymore so it ends up in the trash.

Couch Snugglers

We Scotties recently discovered that Wen had bought new throw pillows for the couch and of course, all three of us had to try them out.  We nosed them around until we could stretch out on top of them and they are definitely more puffy and comfortable than our old pillows.

Since the weather has turned colder, Sadie and I are back to snuggling up together and now that we have nice new pillows, we can spend more time as couch snugglers.  Can’t have too many comfy places to lie down and take a snooze!

It’s a Keeper!

The latest issue of The Scottie Scuttlebutt, the quarterly newsletter of the Rocky Mountain Scottish Terrier Club, was in our mailbox yesterday and when Wen opened it, the poem that we submitted and a photo of Sadie and me was on the front page!

The poem is attributed to me, as it is written in my words, but of course, Wen was the real author, although Sadie and I were the inspiration.  We spend so much time in our dog bed in front of the fireplace when it’s cold outside that the topic seemed like an obvious choice for a poem.

We are very proud that we were chosen to be on the front page and will definitely put the page in our scrapbook of published articles, because it’s a keeper!




Snuggle Time

Every morning after we eat, when Wen is sitting on the couch watching the news, I like to jump up by her, scooch up, and rest my nose on her leg.  I mean, if I’m right next to her and I need a pillow, her leg is just the right height to rest my nose.  A little snuggle time hits the spot!


Two Beds Are Better Than one.

After someone chewed a hole in our gray dog bed, Wen went out and bought a beige one just like it.  The bed sat in the corner by the fireplace all summer and when the weather turned colder this fall, we Scotties began to snooze in it when the fireplace was turned on.

Unfortunately, the new bed was a bit smaller than the dog beds we’re used to having that accommodated two of us at once, so when Wen noticed that Sadie and I were squished together in the bed, she brought another larger bed from upstairs and placed it next to the beige bed.  Now we Scotties can spread out in the beds and even Molly, who has rarely used a dog bed in the past has been using the larger of the two beds.

Evidently, two beds are better than one, because Sadie seems to have claimed the beige bed and both beds are getting a lot of use right now.



Wild Thing

My sister, Molly, who normally is her gorgeous well-groomed self has been rolling around on the couch, scratching her back again.  She doesn’t do it regularly, but she does it occasionally and it must be back scratching time again.  She doesn’t suffer from allergies that make her itchy, so scratching her back must just feel good.

After a roll around the couch, Molly jumps up and rather than looking like her gorgeous well-groomed self, her hair is all askew to the point where she looks comical.  It’s kind of nice to know that the princess of our family doesn’t always have to look perfect and that sometimes she can even look like a wild thing!





After three days of snow, we are finally getting a break and the sun has come peeking out.  We Scotties love the snow, but enough is enough and frankly, we wouldn’t mind seeing the grass in our backyard again.

Meanwhile, as Wen shovels snow off our deck and clears paths for us through the tall drifts, we stick our noses out the patio door to see what’s going on out in the winter wonderland.