Bye Bye Decorations.

All of our Christmas decorations have disappeared.  Our living room has looked very festive and colorful since November and now it’s back to normal since Wen took everything down yesterday.  Now in comparison to the holidays, things are seeming kind of bland.

Bye bye decorations.  Thank you for dressing up our house for the holidays!

Happy New Year!

Last night was New Year’s Eve and we celebrated at home, since Wen has been sick for almost a week with a really bad cold.  We watched New Year’s celebrations on TV and then when it turned midnight, fireworks popped in our neighborhood.

Let’s hope that this new year will be a great one for everybody!  We all deserve a happy 2025!



Dirt Eaters

We three Scotties are big time dirt eaters and we are driving Wen crazy with our obsession.  I suppose it’s bad enough that we dig holes in our backyard every day and that Wen has to constantly repair our holes, but I am a super accomplished digger and when I’ve dug a fresh hole, all three of us Scotties love to eat the dirt from the hole.

Since Wen accompanies us when we go outside, she is always policing our less than desirable activities and when she catches us eating dirt, we usually get reprimanded. Unfortunately for her, our dirt eating has become a habit that’s pretty much unbreakable and as long as we have grass in our yard, holes will be dug and dirt will be eaten.

Molly scouting the yard for a fresh hole.


Photo Evidence

We Scotties spend a lot of time lounging on the couch, but we have unwritten rules.  Both Molly and Sadie hang out with me, but it is VERY unusual for my sisters to hang out with each other.  As a matter of fact, I could count on my toes on one foot how many times they hang out together in a year.

It is so unusual to see the girls together that Wen will take their picture when it happens.  For an odd occurrence like this, you need photo evidence!