Molly’s Morning Watch

Early in the morning when we Scotties go outside, you can find Molly on our deck, surveying the backyard.  She likes to be up high where she has a good view of our yard and the top of the fence where the squirrels like to run back and forth.

Molly’s morning watch has kind of become a ritual, so it must be her favorite way to start the day.  I guess she likes to keep track of the birds, squirrels, and butterflies as they pass through.  We Scotties do like to be in charge of our territory!



We have been watching and cheering for our athletes at the Paris Olympics.  Many of the events have been really exciting and hearing the chants of USA, USA make us feel proud of our athletes and our country.  Best of luck to the United States athletes!  We’re pulling for you and hopefully all those years of dedication and training will bring you success!  USA, USA!!!


Sometimes when Wen is shopping, she comes across bargains that she just can’t resist and that includes things for us Scotties.  We never know when she is going to come home with a toy or something cute for us that would make a good photo op.

Her most recent find was a Gap doggie dress on clearance for four dollars that looked as if it would fit Sadie perfectly, so she got it and yes, it did fit Sadie perfectly.  I guess we Scotties are lucky that Wen is always thinking of us when she goes shopping and that she always peruses the dog supplies.  Can’t wait to see the next bargain!


Am I Blue?

Somebody gave me a new pair of shades and they made me see everything blue.  Okay, it’s more like aqua, but with those sunglasses I saw the world in shades of blue.  Am I blue?  Only with the blue glasses on!


Post-Kennel Snoozing

After we Scotties came home from the kennel, we were TIRED.  Spending three nights in a strange place when we are used to always being home was certainly a different experience.  Molly has a history of being very stressed at a kennel and Sadie came home hoarse from barking and as soon as Wen brought us home, all three of us jumped up on the couch and went right to sleep.  Actually, we slept for the best part of 48 hours to recover from our experience, but we are finally back to normal.  All that post-kennel snoozing was evidently just what we needed!

Post-kennel couch potatoes

Welcome, Kelly!

We Scotties just spent three nights at the K9 Resort while Wen and her best friend traveled to Kansas to pick up her friend’s new Scottie puppy.  In other words, we all had a little vacation, but I would imagine that going to Kansas would have been a lot more interesting and fun!

They met the puppy’s breeder in Abilene, where she had driven from Oklahoma and brought her favorite wheaten female along for company, so Wen got to see a really cool wheatie.  The little puppy, named Kelly, was a super cute little brindle Scottie and Wen’s friend was thrilled with her choice.

After a nice chat with the breeder, they headed back to Denver with Kelly safely in a crate in the back seat of the car.   She joined her new dog family, a Scottie brother and two Cairn Terrier brothers, but I bet that she will eventually rule the roost!

Welcome to Denver, Kelly!

Twitter Tail

What is it called when a dog’s tail wags super fast?  Some people call it twitter tail and Sadie can sometimes wag her tail so fast that it’s just a blur on a photo.  Nice job, Sadie, you happy girl!