Happy 2022!!!

Happy New Year, everybody!!  Let’s hope that 2022 is a huge improvement over the last two years and that we all enjoy good health, happiness, and a wonderful life!  All the best from the MacDuff clan for the happiest New Year ever!!

Riley, Sadie & Molly


Money Well-Spent

Somebody got a new holiday hat!  Yep, when Wen was shopping, she ran across a very unusual hat that she evidently thought I needed, so I got a surprise present.  Am I one stylin’ dude with this tree hat or what?!

Even more interesting though was the giant Christmas stocking packed full of dog toys that she brought home for us.  There were plush toys, rubber toys, and an assortment of balls in the stocking and lucky us, she dumped them all out on our living room floor at once.  I grabbed a plush snowman, Molly (who normally ignores toys) grabbed a squishy ball, and Sadie grabbed a plush candy cane and off we went, to the tune of squeaky sounds as we chomped on our new toys.

Of course, our large Scottie teeth made quick work of all the toys and within a few minutes, the floor was covered with stuffing, pieces of fabric, and chunks of rubber, not to mention a totally destroyed tennis ball.

That stocking full of toys turned out to be very entertaining for us Scotties, even though our entertainment was short-lived, due to Wen cleaning up the mess we had made. Buying that stocking and my festive holiday hat was money well-spent though and even better, the stocking was half price!

Lazy Monday

We hope everyone had a fun Christmas weekend!  Today is Monday though and it feels like a lazy Monday, a perfect day for us Scotties to stake out a couch pillow, get comfortable, and relax.

There’s nothing like a lazy Monday to catch up on some extra Scottie snooze time!
