It’s That Time Again….

Well, here we are.  It’s that time of year again when Halloween costumes and decorations appear in the stores and that includes dog costumes.

Wen is always on the lookout for fun and unusual dog costumes for us Scotties and some years she has chosen a theme and dressed us alike and some years we all have totally unique costumes.  It all depends on what she finds on her shopping trips.

The other day, she found a silver Hershey’s Kisses costume that she thought would be perfect for Sadie with her black hair.  She had never seen anything like it before and she could hardly wait to try it on Sadie.

Miss Sadie, on the other hand, was not quite as thrilled with the costume when she tried it on and she looked rather dejected until Wen finally took it off of her.  Maybe it’s time for Plan B?




My New Donut

One of my favorite toys looks like a donut that is filled with squeakers.  It is easy to carry around and toss up in the air and it’s just the right size and firmness to bite down on.

Since my pumpkin toy didn’t last very long until it was in the trash, I guess that Wen felt sorry for me, so she gave me a new donut toy and did I ever have a good time playing with it!

I walked around our living room with my new donut for the longest time, tossing it and biting on it and I was having a good old time until the donut was taken away by Wen before it was totally destroyed by Scottie teeth.

Yes, when I wasn’t paying attention, Sadie grabbed the donut and chewed on it for awhile and then, much to our surprise, Molly got ahold of it and chewed on it until she got some of the squeakers out and that’s when Wen confiscated it.

Who knows if we Scotties will get the toy back or maybe get a new toy, but that donut sure provided us (especially me) with lots of fun!

The Hole Diggers

Molly and I are professional hole diggers in our backyard and we are constantly snooping around, looking for prime spots to dig up.  Wen wishes that we would knock it off, because she repairs our holes daily, but that’s not going to happen and we’ll continue to dig holes until the ground has a hard freeze.  Come on, we terriers are earth dogs and that’s what we do!

Looking for good spots to dig

You Snooze, You Lose!

As soon as it gets close to fall, the stores are full of fall-themed and Halloween dog toys.  There are all sizes and shapes of pumpkin toys and Wen knows how much I love a long squeaky toy, so she brought home a super long pumpkin toy for me.

I carried the toy around as I bit down on it to make it squeak and it was quite a fun toy as long as I was playing with it, but when I left it unsupervised on the floor, Sadie, the toy terminator got ahold of it and she chewed off the pumpkin’s stem and ate it.  Then she chewed holes in the pumpkin so that the squeakers were exposed and when Wen noticed the damage, she grabbed the toy and threw it away before we Scotties could chew up and swallow any of the stuffing or plastic squeakers.

What a bummer!  My new pumpkin toy was trashed shortly after I left it unattended.  I guess you snooze, you lose!



Fall Scottie Crafting

It’s that time of year again when Wen begins working on fall and Halloween Scottie crafts.  In her mind, any time you can add a Scottie to a crafted item, it appeals to her Scottie club friends, so she is always on the lookout for cute and colorful materials that she could add Scotties to.

Here is just one example.  How can you jazz up a fall produce stand?  Add a Scottie!

Neighborhood Gossip

Wen is pretty strict about us Scotties barking when we’re outside in the yard.  Evidently she doesn’t want us bothering the neighbors, because there used to be two really noisy dogs next door that were very loud and annoying.

Now there is just a cat where those dogs used to live and on the other side of us there is a big dog that never barks.   Behind us though is a big dog that can bark loudly and incessantly if unsupervised and next door to him is another big dog that barks incessantly even louder and faster while jumping up and down at their fence.

Some days, the two of those dogs really carry on a conversation, barking back and forth and my sister, Sadie will listen and then join in for a few seconds until Wen quiets her. Sadie probably can only stand it for so long until she wants to get in on the neighborhood gossip.

Sadie listening to neighborhood gossip

Will They or Won’t They?

One of Wen’s Scottie club friends found two cute Halloween standup decorations when she was shopping that she thought might be fun for the club’s Halloween party that they are reinstating next year.  The decorations have a hole in them for a child to stick their head through and look as if they are a Halloween character.

Wen’s friend wanted to know if she thought that Scotties would stick their heads through the holes in the decorations for photo ops and if she should buy them for the party.  They agreed that the decorations were a cute idea and that she should definitely buy them, but would Scotties really stick their heads through the holes?

Wen said that she would cut a hole in a piece of cardboard and see if she could coax us Scotties to stick our heads through the hole by offering us a treat.  Of course the girls were too squirrelly to cooperate, but when I saw the treat offered to me, I stuck my head right through that hole and grabbed it.

Wen and her friend had discussed WILL THEY or WON’T THEY? and they decided that if anyone would, it would be me and I proved them right!



First thing every morning, we sniffers converge in our backyard.  Yes, we Scotties like to cruise around, explore the yard, and do our early morning routine, which consists of watching for squirrels that run across the top of our fence and sniffing out interesting spots to tear up the grass and dig holes.

Since we are quite proficient at destroying spots in the grass, we Scotties have a designated area where we run zoomies and do our sniffing so that a portion of the yard always looks nice and untouched by Scottie destruction.  Wen wishes that we wouldn’t tear up the yard, but we’re terriers and we’re just following our instinct.  All three of us used to be obsessed with chewing and eating landscaping mulch, but once Wen fenced off the mulched flower beds from us, we had to find a new hobby, so we began tearing up the grass and digging holes.  Dogs will be dogs and we like to keep ourselves busy by doing our own kind of doggie landscaping.





A Serious Lack of Toys

Ever since my sister, Sadie chewed up and ate the fabric cover off a squeaky ball, there has been a serious lack of toys for us Scotties.  Normally there are toys around our living room for us to grab and play with, but right now it’s slim pickings as I can see only one partially chewed rope toy.

I guess that Wen has become tired of Sadie destroying toys and eating parts of them, so there is currently a moratorium on new toys.  The only new toy I saw recently was a plush elk head with plastic antlers, which is one of my favorites, but Sadie got ahold of it and ate off part of its ears, so the toy disappeared along with the others.

Hopefully the serious lack of toys will come to and end, because I want my elk toy back and how is it fair that Molly and I lose toys thanks to Sadie?  We like to chew on them too, but we sure don’t eat them!

Where’s our toys?

Sadie! Quit eating parts off our toys!