One More Bit of Halloween Cheer

Since yesterday was Halloween, I thought that maybe I could sneak in one more bit of Halloween cheer.  Wen bought three witch hats for us Scotties since she had found a cauldron that lit up and produced steam and she thought that we could take a picture in our witch hats posing with the cauldron.

As per usual, contrary Sadie didn’t want to wear her witch hat, so she didn’t end up posting for our picture, but Molly and I cooperated like pros and yes, we were wearing our witch hats.  Enjoy!


Peak Fall Color

Every fall, we have several colorful burning bushes in both our front and backyards, but one of them is much more spectacular than all the others when the leaves turn colors.

This bush is now at its peak fall color before it starts to drop its leaves, so of course we had to take a picture of it before the cold and the snow moves in.  Nature’s brilliant colors should be captured for us to enjoy long past when the leaves shrivel and fall to the ground.



What’s Going On?

Right now, we’re a little concerned about my sister, Sadie and we’re not sure what’s going on.  Lately it seems as if her hearing isn’t what it used to be and at first, Wen thought that Sadie might have gone deaf from the medications used for the yeast infections in her ears, as there have been reports of this happening.

When Wen calls Sadie’s name (even loudly), she doesn’t react, which could just be a Scottie tendency of selective hearing, but more and more it seems as if Sadie can’t hear.

Wen did finally get a reaction from Sadie by clapping her hands loudly behind her while sneaking up on her.  Sadie quickly jumped up, so she definitely heard that to be so startled.  Aside from the clapping though, Sadie’s hearing seems to be affected.

Wen is trying to use a really high voice to call Sadie to see if she can hear high-pitched sounds better.  Just this morning, Sadie was lying next to her and she reacted when Wen called her name, so maybe her hearing loss is transitory, since that happened once before about a year ago after her ears were medicated.  We can only hope so!  Sadie has been through so much with her chronic ear infections and her three ear hematomas that caused her to have a permanently floppy ear.  She really deserves to be able to hear normally after all that!

Elvis Has Left the Building….

My older brother, Kirby, who has been gone since I was a puppy, was the first of Wen’s Scotties who modeled outfits like a pro.  Wen could dress him up in clothing and wigs, and Kirby would pose as if he was a professional model.  He was actually featured on the cover of a calendar wearing his tuxedo and sitting at our baby grand piano.

One year for the Scottie club annual Halloween event, Wen decided that Kirby should go as Elvis and she bedazzled a shirt for him, bought him a pair of Elvis glasses, and attached fuzzy sideburns to the glasses.

Kirby wore his Elvis costume well and it’s still hanging next to his tuxedo in our bedroom closet, even though it’s been many years since our Elvis has left the building.  Some things have such special memories that you hold onto them forever.


The Reluctant Model

My sister, Sadie is not a fan of dressing up or having her picture taken.  She evidently did not inherit the model gene, because she is uncomfortable in any kind of outfit and she doesn’t like to sit still long enough for Wen to take a nice picture of her.  Every time that Wen sits her down for a photo shoot, Sadie wants to jump up and run away, so she is definitely a reluctant model.

Even though Sadie doesn’t exactly want to cooperate, Wen has managed to get a few cute pictures of her in Halloween costumes over the years, however Sadie never seems to look very pleased!

Out and About

Molly visited our vet yesterday for bloodwork and she had to stay two hours for a specific test for Cushing’s Disease.  I guess that’s what happens when we Scotties drink water excessively—we go to the vet to see if anything’s wrong.

Molly was a trooper for two blood draws and an injection and Wen didn’t even get her errands finished before receiving a phone call to pick up Molly, so guess who got to ride along for a couple more errands?

Yep, Sadie and I hung out at home while Molly had a morning out and about, but the main thing is that we all hope she gets good test results from her bloodwork.





My two sisters don’t really hang out together very much and it’s pretty unusual to even see the two of them sitting next to each other for even a few seconds.   Sadie is usually my buddy on the couch or snuggling on the floor or in our dog bed in front of the fireplace and Molly and I are best buddies, since we grew up together, but she prefers her personal space.

To find Molly and Sadie sitting in close proximity is a rare occurrence, as Molly has picked on Sadie in the past, and to see them together is definitely a photo worthy opportunity.

Hello, girls!  Maybe you two could be besties?  Yeah, probably not.

Poster Girl

Guess who was the poster girl for the fundraiser benefiting Rocky Mountain Scottie Rescue on Saturday?  We were told that my picture was going to be on posters, but when Wen got to the venue, she saw Molly’s photo with arrows pointing the way on posters!

It was Molly’s first time to be featured on posters and Wen was pleased to see her cute photo, particularly since a photo of me was used several years ago and I’m the one who is known for modeling, even though Molly is the prettiest of all eleven of Wen’s Scotties through the years.  Her good looks really deserved to be on display and it was a nice surprise for Wen to see her most gorgeous Scottie featured!



Fundraiser Day

Today is the big day of the annual fundraiser for Rocky Mountain Scottie Rescue and Wen and her friends from Rocky Mountain Scottish Terrier Club have been working hard to collect and sort the Scottie themed donations and set up the venue for a hopefully very successful auction.  I even helped out by snoopervising as Wen organized her donations over the last few weeks, so that everything was Scottie approved.

The fundraiser is the biggest event of the year for the Scottie club and it’s a fun one with a ton of items to bid on, lots of pay and take items, and lunch is included.  The event will begin at noon at First Plymouth Congregational Church, 3501 S Colorado Blvd and all people who love Scotties are welcome to come and help out the rescue Scotties in need.

Let’s hope that this fundraiser is the best one yet!

Snoopervisor Riley