The Toy Terminator

We Scotties recently got some new toys—three braided rope toys to chew on.  All three of us gnawed on the toys, but Sadie went all out and one by one, she chewed them apart until there were pieces of string all over the living room floor.

It was kind of unusual to actually see Molly chewing on a rope, because she normally doesn’t show much interest in toys.  Sadie, however, is the toy terminator and just as she destroys everything, she destroyed the ropes one by one, so Wen threw them in the trash.

It was disappointing for Molly and me to lose our new toys, but maybe Wen will feel sorry for us and buy us some more.  It’s not looking particularly good though, because Sadie ate the fabric cover off a squeaky ball prior to chewing up the rope toys.  She truly is the toy terminator and it doesn’t matter whether a toy is made of rubber, fabric, or rope.  She will destroy them all!

Molly: Sadie, the toy terminator chewed apart our last rope toy.

Take Time to Smell the Roses.

We have nice rose bushes in our yard that produce really pretty roses.  While all the bushes are colorful, only two of them have roses that are really fragrant and those are the ones that Wen likes to cut and bring inside to enjoy.

Whenever there’s a rose in a vase on our kitchen counter, that old saying, “Take time to smell the roses.” comes to mind.  Just one sniff of a sweet-smelling rose can brighten your day.

We Do Love Our Food!

There’s one thing that for sure makes us Scotties lick our lips and that’s when we hear any mention of food.  Our favorite words in our vocabulary just happen to be eat, treat, and who’s hungry?  It’s quite obvious that we are very much food-motivated.  Yep, we do love our food!

For example, here’s what happened when Wen asked Sadie if she wanted a treat….

I guess that’s a yes!

Yesterday’s National Dog Day

It was National Dog Day yesterday, a day to celebrate us canines.  Actually, it kind of seemed like any other day, but I suppose it was nice for us to have a special day.

Yesterday’s National Dog Day was mentioned on TV throughout the day though and because of it being our day, we did get a new squeaky toy and treats, so bring on any day that celebrates us!  (We are kind of exceptional if you ask me!)

Play Us a Tune!

We Scotties enjoy piano music.  When Wen plays the piano, we three Scotties always end up stretching out on the couch to listen and we stay there until the concert’s over.  It’s been a little while since the last time we heard live music, so we’d appreciate it if you’d play us a tune!


A Real Looker!

My sister, Molly has the most beautiful haircoat.  Her hair is really thick and gorgeous and she looks like a hovercraft moving across the yard.  It’s most likely since she is out of champion Hungarian lines on her sire’s side that she has a coat like a show dog.

In contrast, neither Sadie nor I have a haircoat that can come anywhere close to Molly’s.  Both of our coats are thinner and Sadie has a little curl to hers, so if Wen would not brush her every day, Sadie’s hair would begin to twist into dreadlocks.

My coat has its own issues, since I lost about a half of it after I was really sick a year ago.  Not only did my hair fall out, but my being sick resulted in three ultrasounds where they shaved all the hair from my abdomen and my hair is taking its time growing back.

Meanwhile, Molly can represent us as a fine example of the Scottish Terrier breed, because she is definitely a real looker!


Molly and I are wheaten-colored Scotties and out of Wen’s 11 Scotties, seven of us have been wheatens.  I suppose you could say that Wen favors us wheatens and I know that she really loves our coat colors.  Most of us have been lighter colored, but my coat seems to have  been the most reddish out of all of us.

Do all Scotties look alike?  Sort of, but it’s easier to tell us wheatens apart by our different shades of wheaten color.

Molly & me