Now this is a first and it only took eleven years! We had some cold weather and snow this week and Wen turned our fireplace on. She always puts a dog bed in front of the fireplace for Sadie and me when it’s on and it only takes a few minutes for one or both of us to settle in on the bed to soak up the warmth.
Molly has never shown any interest in our dog beds until lately, but never when one is by the fireplace. She has recently been sitting in a dog bed in the corner by the TV though, which is highly unusual for her. The dog beds are Sadie’s and my territory, so to see Molly occupy one was surprising.
What was really surprising though was to see Molly walk over to a dog bed in front of the fireplace the other night. For the first time in eleven years, Molly took our usual spot and she actually stayed there for more than a few minutes. So far, it was a one time occurrence, but you never know. Maybe Wen will have to put two dog beds by the fireplace from now on.

Molly trying it out

Molly settling in