Super Bowl Sunday

Yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday and for the occasion, Wen gave us Scotties a plush football toy to play with.  My sisters weren’t too excited about the toy, but I attacked it and ran around playing with it for the longest time.

Eventually, the football toy was too tempting to just play with, so Sadie and I took turns chewing on it until one end was chewed off, so Wen confiscated the toy along with the chewed off end.

That football was sure fun while it lasted and with any luck, maybe Wen will sew up the end so that we can play with it again.  Let’s hope so!

Our Faves

We Scotties all have our favorite spots in our house where we like to hang out.  Sadie and I like to stretch out in front of the fireplace in our dog bed and Molly perches on her usual arm of the loveseat in our living room.  Upstairs, Sadie always heads for the same bedroom corner where she squeezes in next to a night stand and sits there.  Molly likes to jump up on the top of my big wire cage while she waits her turn as Wen is brushing my teeth and hair in the bathroom every morning.

Another one of Molly’s favorite spots is under the piano in our living room.  You can frequently find her lying on the floor there watching what’s going on.  Of course, all three of us Scotties seem to spend a lot of time on the couch and love seat, which pretty much makes us seasoned canine couch potatoes.

Yes, we all have the spots that are our faves and chances are that you can find us parked there more often than not.


New Bandanna

Somebody got a new bandanna the other day and that somebody was me, Riley!  We Scotties love when Wen goes shopping and she hits the clearance aisles, because she can’t resist a bargain, especially when we’re talking doggie merchandise!

When she finds something cute, whether it’s a toy or doggie apparel, if she thinks we Scotties will have fun with it or it will make a great photo op and the price is right, whatever it is will be coming home for us Scotties.

This time, she found a buffalo plaid bandanna that practically screamed “take me home” and its price was reduced down to nothing, so of course it showed up at our house.  I have to say, when she goes shopping, we Scotties seem to benefit the most!

Tail Wagging

Both of my sisters are tail wagging pros.  When someone talks to Molly, her tail goes a mile a minute and silly Sadie’s tail is always wagging—not only back and forth, but in circles.

I, on the other hand, am much more selective in my tail wagging and compared to my sisters’ exuberant tail wagging, I am quite more reserved, although my tail does start wagging when Wen uses my name when she talks to me.

We Scotties do love our Mom and it’s very obvious when she comes home after being out and we first see her.  Then our tail wagging really amps up!  It doesn’t matter if she’s been gone for hours or a few minutes.  We three tail waggers are always happy to see her!

Sadie’s expressive tail

The Best Boy

Every day, Wen tells me that I’m her best boy.  I appreciate that, but I have two sisters, so I’m the ONLY boy!

I’m hoping that since I’m the “best boy,” if I put on my best boy face and try to look cute, it will get me a treat.  It’s worth a shot!

Stylin’ Again

We Scotties made the trip to see Gigi, our groomer this week and now we are stylin’ again.  Wen has taken Scotties to Gigi for over 25 years at several locations and even though it now takes us about 45 minutes to drive to her groom shop, it’s well worth it for the fabulous job she does.

Every time we are freshly groomed, as soon as we get home, Wen likes to take our pictures, because it’s always nice to have photos of us looking our best.  Freshly groomed haircoats don’t exactly last forever!

Let’s Go!

What do you do when there’s snow on the ground?  You get out the sled or in our case, the sled that’s shaped like a snow boat.  Yep, it’s time for some winter fun, so let’s go!


The Scottie Dog Bed

We Scotties have been enjoying having our dog bed with the Scottie fabric in our living room since before Christmas.  Normally, we have one dog bed that can be moved in front of the fireplace in the winter where it’s nice and warm, but since our current dog bed (that replaced the one that somebody chewed holes in) is a little smaller than usual and two of us have to squeeze into it, Wen brought the Scottie dog bed down from upstairs and put it right next to the other dog bed.  Two dog beds are way better than one—especially when one is a little on the small size—and now we can spread out.  (The Scottie dog bed has always been our favorite anyway).

Another Weekend Snow

Here we are, in the middle of another weekend snowstorm, but we Scotties don’t mind.  It’s just a chance for us to have fun in the snow in our backyard.

Ironically, we didn’t have a white Christmas, but we’ve had a white January for most of the month, so Wen left the “In the meadow we can build a snowman” sign outside.  After all, it seems pretty relevant right now!


It’s been so cold lately that it feels like Antarctica with the below zero temperatures.  All that’s missing are penguins.  Yeah, before you know it, penguins will be here, enjoying our frigid weather.  No, on second thought, that’s impossible….