Another Weekend Snow

Here we are, in the middle of another weekend snowstorm, but we Scotties don’t mind.  It’s just a chance for us to have fun in the snow in our backyard.

Ironically, we didn’t have a white Christmas, but we’ve had a white January for most of the month, so Wen left the “In the meadow we can build a snowman” sign outside.  After all, it seems pretty relevant right now!


It’s been so cold lately that it feels like Antarctica with the below zero temperatures.  All that’s missing are penguins.  Yeah, before you know it, penguins will be here, enjoying our frigid weather.  No, on second thought, that’s impossible….


Warming Up

Yay, it’s finally warming up after three days of the freezing effects of the polar vortex!  Maybe we Scotties can finally cruise around in the snow without our paws freezing up, causing us to limp and Wen having to rescue us.

We haven’t spent much time out in the yard during the frigid temperatures, so the snow that we’ve gotten still looks pretty pristine and what do we Scotties like to do with pristine snow?  Stick our noses in it and eat it!  Our yard is once again a giant snow cone and it’s more fun to eat snow than slurp up water, so we’re really having a great time munching and crunching snow and little pieces of ice.  I guess the frozen white stuff is one good thing that comes from living in a frigid zone.

Zero Degrees Outside

We are in the frigid zone right now.  We have about five inches of snow in our yard and there’s more snow on the way, plus it’s zero degrees outside.

When we Scotties went outside early this morning, we were only out for a few minutes, but our paws started to freeze, which caused us to limp, so Wen carried us back inside.

This polar vortex thing is no joke and we can hardly wait for two days from now when temperatures start to warm up.  Meanwhile, STAY WARM!!!

Frigid Temperatures

We got more snow overnight plus wind chills in the minus degrees.  Talk about an arctic blast!  That polar vortex arrived with a vengeance, so we Scotties are not allowed to spend much time outside before Wen shoos us back inside.

The frigid temperatures are supposed to last for several days, so it looks as if we will be hunkered down inside except for quick doggie bathroom breaks.  It’s definitely a winter wonderland out there, but as pretty as the snow is, the fireplace in our living room is much more appealing right now!

All’s Well That Ends Well!

Sadie, our resident goat, struck again.  Wen noticed that one of her favorite gloves was missing off the kitchen counter the other day and when she went looking for it, she found Sadie carrying the glove in her mouth.  Wen took the glove away from her and immediately saw that the thumb with its faux leather tip had been chewed off.  Yep, Sadie had evidently eaten the thumb.

Every time one of us Scotties eats something that could potentially cause an obstruction, Wen has to monitor our poop in the backyard to make sure that we pass whatever it was that we ate and late last night, Sadie passed the thumb of the glove in four pieces, thank goodness.  Another crisis averted and all’s well that ends well!

Sun’s Out!

It’s been really cold lately, so the snow in our yard is not going anywhere, but at least the sun’s out and it doesn’t look so dreary.

With the overnight low temperatures, the paths that we Scotties have made have frozen hard and crusty, so we have an icy grid to follow as we run around the yard.

Does the cold keep us from eating snow though?  Of course not!  Our noses are in the snow as we crunch, crunch, crunch!


We Scotties tend to treat the snow in our yard as one giant snow cone.  We seek out the freshest, most pristine spots to lick and eat snow and we really enjoy the frozen delicacy.

It makes sense that we like to eat snow, since we also love eating ice cubes for a treat.  Snow is not crunchy like ice cubes, but eating it is a super refreshing way to get a drink and way more fun than lapping up water.  Right now with all the snow we have, we Scotties can go outside and pick out spots to enjoy our favorite frozen treat for days.  Mmmm!

Molly: Mmmm, snow tastes good!

Typical January

Well, we had another snow day yesterday and it’s also super cold right now, so we Scotties didn’t spend a lot of time outside.  We didn’t even plow our usual circular path around the yard since the new snow on top of the snow we got the other day was kind of deep.

It seems as if our 50 degree winter weather has come to an end and now it’s more of a typical snowy January.  That only makes snuggling up by the fireplace after being outside even sweeter!


A Snowy Day

We Scotties woke up to a winter wonderland in our yard this morning.  When Wen opened the patio door and we went running out, it was a surprise to find the deck and yard covered in snow, as we haven’t had any in quite awhile.

Of course we ran circles through the snow and had a frolicking good time while Wen cleared the deck.  Then Molly started digging, so we had to go inside.

It’s fun for us Scotties to have a snowy day.  It is January after all!