Yard Work Supervisors

Every week when Wen mows the lawn and does yard work, she leaves the gate open to the backyard and she makes sure that we Scotties are safe inside our house before she starts her yard work chores.

When she works in the backyard, we like to watch through the patio door blinds and we look like little yard work supervisors from her viewpoint.  Hey, a little quality control never hurts, even if we’re honestly just being nosy and keeping our eyes on that lawnmower contraption!


Morning Routine

Most of our mornings have the same routine.  After we Scotties have been fed and spent time outside, Wen sits on the couch and watches the news on TV, Molly stretches out on her favorite perch (an arm of the loveseat), and I hop up on the couch and scooch right next to Wen.  Meanwhile, Sadie runs around, checking for toys and jumping up and down, back and forth from the couch to the loveseat.

We pretty much have our morning routine down, having done it for several years and it’s only altered when Wen has an early morning activity or appointment that forces us to get up really early.  Otherwise, we’ll be there doing our regular thing during the morning news.  For now though, you’ll have to excuse me, because it’s just about time for us Scotties’ morning snooze.


My Photo Shoot Pictures

Several days ago, my 16×20 picture arrived from my photo shoot at Red Rocks last month.  Wen had done a zoom call with Kris, the photographer, where they went over my best photos and Wen chose her favorite to be enlarged and printed on metal.

We had a lot of issues trying to take the photos, due to Red Rocks maintenance workers, tourists, and the area Wen had chosen for the photo shoot being closed to the public that day, plus I had not been recently professionally groomed and my haircoat hadn’t grown back to normal since I was really sick last year, but Wen really liked one photo in particular and it turned out nicely.  As a bonus, Kris also sent a 5×7 photo printed on metal of another one of my photos from the shoot as a surprise and that was an awesome thing for her to do.  Not only is she a very talented photographer, but a super nice person and now we have two photos for Wen to decide where to display them!

Pickleball Obsessed

Somebody plays pickleball a lot anymore and it’s Wen, not me, and she practices dinking in our laundry room by hitting a ball against the door to the garage, so I always sit close by and watch.  Sometimes when she hits a weird shot, the ball rolls over to me on the floor and that keeps me interested as if I’m a part of the game.

Are we pickleball obsessed at our house?  Maybe….

Water Cooler Gossip?

Where has the traditional meeting spot in the workplace been where the office gossip flows?  The water cooler!  Employees seem to gather there as they are getting a cool drink and they hang around to exchange the latest office news—the jucier the better!


Shark Week

We made it through the 4th of July weekend and now it seems to be Shark Week on TV, because Wen got out our RC shark toy that circles around our living room chasing us Scotties while it chomps at us.  Every time she gets that thing out, chaos seems to ensue, because as the shark chases us around, we try to bite it back!

Happy Shark Week!

Peace and Quiet

We are enjoying peace and quiet this morning after the loud fireworks on 4th of July night and last night also that lasted for hours.  We Scotties actually did well and we were less bothered by all the pops and bangs than Wen was, but it’s a really nice change to not have to listen to all that ruckus until dark when it will probably start up again.

Meanwhile, do you hear that?  That’s right—peace and quiet!

Happy 4th!!!

Since we’re celebrating Independence Day today, we had to take some festive pictures.  Molly was very cooperative and I was my usual professional model self, but as expected, Sadie wanted no part in having her picture taken and her face shows her reluctance.

Wen persevered though until she had photos of all three of us.  Enjoy our patriotic pup pics!  Happy 4th of July!!!

Fans of the Fans

Since it’s summertime and the temperatures are soaring, even though we have central air, it gets hot upstairs in the bedroom where our big dog cages are.  Each of us Scotties has our own cage or our “house” as Wen likes to call them and during the summer, even though the ceiling fan is on, it still is uncomfortably warm, so Wen has added more fans.  We have a big tower fan that revolves, another revolving fan directed at Molly’s and my cages and a fan directed at Sadie’s cage on the other side of the room.  They may be a little noisy, but the breeze feels good and needless to say, we are fans of the fans!

Bring it on, little fan!