My Day at the Vet

Early yesterday morning, Wen dropped me off at Dr. Nina’s office for an ultrasound of my gall bladder.  After I suddenly got very sick one night last August and ended up at the ER for two nights, I’ve now had two recheck ultrasounds to check on the mucus in my gall bladder.

Dr. Nina and her vet tech, Bonnie took really good care of me and confidentially, they really spoiled me with lots of treats.   Later,  when Wen came to pick me up, they gave me more treats, so spending the entire day at the vet wasn’t bad at all.  Plus, I was a good boy and I made new friends.  Even better, since it was a recheck ultrasound, Dr. Nina convinced the ultrasound doctor to not shave off the hair on my sides like they did last December.  My poor hair has been slowly growing back from being shaved for the other ultrasounds and I’m just barely beginning to look like myself again.

Fortunately, the mucus has not increased since my last ultrasound in December, so it was good news and Wen (who was really worried) was super relieved that I don’t need surgery.

All in all, my day at the vet went well and I got to go for two car rides there and back, so it was a good day for me.  Sitting in a big cage in the prep room, watching all the activity of the people working with the dogs and cats was actually pretty entertaining, but it’s sure nice to be back home again with my sisters!



Happy Birthday, Molly!!!

Today’s your birthday, Miss Molly, my little princess sister and you’re eleven years young just like I am!  Sadie and I hope your day is special and along with Wen, we wish you many more happy birthdays!  Enjoy your princess toys!!!

A Buc-ees Beaver

Yesterday, Wen and her friends from when they worked at the animal clinic went on a road trip to visit the only Buc-ees location in Colorado.  Evidently they had a great time (as they always do) and the Buc-ees store was enormous and full of cool stuff and great food, which means it was well worth the visit.

What did Wen bring back, other than a variety of food?  A Buc-ees beaver that’s a miniature version of their mascot!

You Forgot!

Every Wednesday, Wen posts a photo of Molly or me, both of us, or one or more of her previous wheaten-colored Scotties on the Scotties Rock Facebook page for Wheatie Wednesday.  It’s the day of the week when people celebrate their wheaten Scotties.

This week was a busy one and Wednesday slipped on by without Wen posting a photo.  Two days later when she remembered, she chose to post a photo of Molly looking slightly disgruntled, as if Molly was a little miffed that Wen had forgotten our weekly photo submission.

You forgot!


Spa Day

With the promise of a little field trip, Wen loaded us Scotties into the car early yesterday morning.  We really should know by now that when our crates are in the back of the car, we are most likely headed to go see Gigi, our groomer, but until we pull into the parking lot and we recognize where we are, we just seem to be going on a road trip.

We really should get a clue what’s in store for us when we get an especially long brushing out before we leave, but we never protest about going for a car ride, whether in a crate or not because we Scotties enjoy a nice ride.

Of course we ended up at Gigi’s groom shop yesterday and we knew we were in for a spa day, but we don’t mind being groomed and we always get a good report.  Wen loves seeing us looking all spiffy when we’re freshly groomed and once again we are sweet-smelling good-looking Scotties—at least for awhile!

The Best Pillow Around

When we Scotties like to rest our big noses, we seek out the best comfy spots and most of the time, those spots include a pillow.  My personal favorite pillow is not a real pillow stuffed with feathers or foam, but equally as comfortable.  I’ll give you a hint:  this pillow is alive, her name rhymes with “lady,” and she’s a sister of mine.

You guessed it—my favorite pillow is Sadie and as long as she tolerates me resting my nose on her, she will continue (in my opinion) to be the best pillow around!

A Really Big Donut

For Wen’s birthday, her friend, Carol sent us a big box of Scottie gifts and dog toys for Molly, Sadie, and me.  Among the toys was a really big plush donut and since plush donuts with squeakers inside are one of my very favorite toys, I had a ball playing with it.  I ran around with it, bit it to make it squeak, tossed it up into the air, and guarded it with my life so my sisters wouldn’t get ahold of it.

A big thanks goes to Carol for making my day by sending that really big donut!

The Birthday Girl

Yesterday was Wen’s birthday and she had a fun day from an early morning present left on our front porch to playing pickleball, lunch out, and geocaching.  There was a huge box on the porch later in the day full of Scottie-themed birthday presents and dog toys for us Scotties that was super fun for all of us.  Then while Wen was spending hours talking on the phone to friends, her best pickleball friends showed up with home made goodies and presents.  Did we Scotties behave for our company?  Well, Sadie barked, Molly got freaked out and pooped on the landing of the steps, and I was my usual good boy self, but the birthday girl and her friends had a great time anyway.  It was such a good day that we were up way last midnight for the first time in quite awhile.  I guess we squeezed every minute out of Wen’s birthday, because we’re all recovering today!


Mr. Innocent

Somebody just found six freshly dug holes in our backyard and had to repair them.  Even though the grass is lush and thick, those holes tend to stick out like a sore thumb and Wen always spots them right away.

We Scotties put on our innocent faces when we get in trouble for digging holes and I must say that my Mr. Innocent face is really good, but we all know that Wen isn’t digging those holes because she works hard to have a nice-looking yard.  That leaves us Scotties as the culprits and even though we all know who’s guilty, maybe if we put on a good innocent face, we won’t get in trouble so much.  Hey, it’s worth a shot!

Mr. Innocent