Grilling Out Night

Wen grilled hotdogs on the Smokey Joe charcoal grill last night and did they ever smell good!  We Scotties aren’t allowed close to the grill because it is a miniature Weber kettle and since it is about our height and we are curious, we could walk right up and burn our noses.

Wen is particularly careful when it comes to the hazards of grilling outside after Duffy’s incident that happened several years ago.  The grilling utensils were hanging on the side of the gas grill and when the hamburgers had finished grilling, Wen took them inside and served dinner.  The patio door was open so that the dogs could go outside as they needed and when Wen went back outside later, she noticed that the grill brush was lying in the middle of the backyard.  As she picked it up, she was shocked to see that all of the wire bristles were missing.  What was supposed to be a grill brush was now just a wooden handle!

It was easy to find out who was the culprit.  Whose beard would be greasy and smell like meat?  It turned out that Duffy was the guilty party.  He had really done a number on that grill brush because there wasn’t a single bristle left.

The next day, Wen took Duffy to the veterinary clinic where she worked and took x-rays of his abdomen.  The metal bristles showed up well on the films and Duffy became known as “the dog who ate the barbecue brush” for the rest of his life.

Ultimately, Duffy was a lucky Scottie because he did not need surgery and he suffered no ill effects from his little escapade.  Wen, however, learned a valuable lesson and she has watched her grilling utensils like a hawk ever since!

The day after grilling out night

The day after grilling out night

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