Once You Go Wheaten….

We are sort of a unique Scottie family because all three of us are wheaten-colored.  When people find out that Wen has Scotties, they generally assume that we are black dogs, but SURPRISE, we’re not!  She has had both blacks and brindles, but somewhere along the line, after finding a wheaten puppy in 1980, the wheatens have gradually taken over.

It can be a little frustrating for Wen to hear “nice Westies” when people see us, but at least that’s a little better than hearing “look at the albino Scottie!”

Of course we know that all Scotties are awesome, but we like to say “once you go wheaten, you just keep repeatin'” or “once you go wheaten, they just can’t be beaten!”  (Okay, I just made that up.)


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