My sister, Sadie is having a hard time with her ear hematoma. Her head has been bandaged for over a week and she’s been wearing a cone the entire time. Wen took her to see Dr. Nina, our vet two days ago and when she looked at Sadie’s ear, it had begun to fill up with more blood and serum, due to Sadie shaking her head incessantly. She rebadged Sadie’s head again in order to try to keep her ear flat, but Sadie has been shaking her head more than ever, so last night, Wen had to give her a sedative to keep her from shaking her head and causing more damage.
If Sadie continues to shake her head, she may need surgery to repair her ear hematoma instead of just draining the fluid, which could potentially give her a cauliflower ear or an ear that might not stand up, so we’re hoping that doesn’t happen. Plus, she’d have to be be bandaged and wear the cone for many more weeks.
Poor Sadie! She’s having a hard time right now and we all wish her the best!
