The Porch Goose

Evidently, back in the 80’s and 90’s, way before our Scottie time, Wen had a concrete porch goose in Missouri that she dressed in various outfits.  The porch goose thing was a huge fad that had long been forgotten until Wen spotted some porch geese made out of plaster on clearance last fall at Joann’s Fabrics.  They reminded her of her porch goose back in the day and they looked so lonely that she couldn’t resist and she brought one home.

The goose sat in our garage until right around Valentine’s Day, when Wen came across the Porch Goose Club of America page on Facebook and she found out that there was a current resurgence in popularity of porch geese and people all over the country are searching for them and dressing them up again.

So Wen brought the goose in the house and gave it a new coat of paint and sealant and named it “Goosetav Ganderpump.”  The name sounded a little pretentious, so he would go by his nickname “Gus.”

Since Gus was made of plaster, Wen decided to keep him inside and after a trip to the dollar store, he was duded up for Valentine’s Day and we Scotties had to check him out.  Looks like the porch goose is here to stay and his stack of outfits and accessories seems to be growing.  Wen is even posting photos of Gus on Facebook, just like she posts pictures of Molly, Sadie, and me, so Gus is definitely here to stay, but he’s a fun hobby and he’ll never replace us Scotties!


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