Several weeks after we lost Kirby, Wen planned a road trip to Great Bend, Kansas, with her best friend. The trip was arranged so that she could check out three female wheaten Scottie puppies. Wen had contacted the breeder after seeing her puppy photos on the Internet and since one puppy in particular looked promising, a meet and greet was scheduled.
Very early one Sunday morning, Wen loaded Sunny and me into our crates in the back of the car along with an additional crate full of dog supplies. We made a quick stop to pick up her friend, and off we went to Kansas.
Even with rest stops and a quick visit to an antique mall in Hays, Kansas, it seemed like a marathon drive, but by late afternoon, we were in Great Bend, patiently waiting while the puppies were introduced. Apparently, the meeting went well, because our extra crate was now occupied by a puppy instead of dog supplies. Uh-oh, who was this??
Soon it would be dark and we had a long trip back home to Denver ahead of us. Oh, yes, did I mention that there was a strange puppy in the car?!
By the time that we finally made it back home, it was after one the next morning. The drive across western Kansas and eastern Colorado had been uneventful, but excruciatingly long. Now that we were home, we were exhausted, but not too exhausted to realize that all was well—we were back to three Scotties!